Tips On When To Post Real Estate Content And A Property Data API Tool For What To Post On Social Media
There are two basic elements to a successful social media campaign and a Property Data API can be a big asset with one of them.
Facebook has 2 billion monthly users. Instagram has 1 billion. Twitter has 326 million users every month. YouTube has 1.9 billion.
These are incredible numbers.
What’s even more incredible is that real estate brokers and agents have access to this enormous audience for FREE.
Okay, that’s the obvious point.
But naturally, there’s a catch.
Since these platforms are free, the competition is intense. Not only from other brokers and agents, but also just for people’s attention in general. With all those gazillion posts flying by their eyeballs every day, it’s is very difficult to catch people’s attention.
Best times to post social media
As we said, there are two very important and simple elements to every social media post.
They are:
What you post.
When you post it.
Now, what you post is a major task that really requires almost a degree in social media to succeed. But Home Junction has a suite of tools you can use to maximize your posts. We’ll get to that in a second.
But let’s start with the easy part.
If you are going to be fully active in social media, then you need to know the most optimal times to post your content.
There are two parts to this equation.
The standard part and the part that is specific to your company and your marketplace.
Here are some thoughts on what experts believe are some best times to post social media:
Facebook: one of the best times to post on Facebook is between 1 pm and 4 pm. That’s because many people will check their Facebook accounts during work, when things slow down in the afternoon.
The best days for Facebook posts are Thursday, Friday during the work week and Saturday and Sunday on weekends. Because Facebook is a place for friends and family, the highest level of engagement will be on weekends when people have the time to interact with followers and will share and like their content.
Instagram: Instagram is similar to Facebook, and in fact is owned by Facebook. But users interact differently and seek something different from this image-based platform.
Therefore, there are other times to post that are more optimal.
For Instagram post your content during lunch from 11 am to 1 pm. You can also do this again later at night from 7 pm to 9 pm.
The best days are surprisingly, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Sunday for some crazy reason, is the worst day.
Twitter: this platform is different as well. For one, the format has a limit of 280 characters (recently increased from 140).
The optimal times to post on Twitter are during lunch from 12 pm to 1 pm. Weekdays are the best for posts and to generate engagement. The best day of the work week is Wednesday. Conversely, Twitter posts on weekends are not as effective.
LinkedIn: this platform as you know is mainly for business and professionals. Therefore, the best time for posts are between 10 am and 11 am after business people get through their email and compile their daily to-do lists.
Tuesday through Thursday are the best days. Most people are too busy on Monday. And, business people generally do not check out LinkedIn on weekends.
Pinterest: then there’s Pinterest, a whole different arrangement. This platform is very popular with moms. So, for them Saturday is an active day on Pinterest. Sundays are good too.
Interestingly, much different than other social media, some of the best times for this platform is between 8 pm and 11 pm. Understandly, that when moms get to take a break.
So now you have your suggested best times.
But as we know, all marketing campaigns are different because all target audiences are different.
So, the best advice for your own social media posts is to try these standards, but also try other times of the day. See which days and hours generate the most engagement in the form of shares, likes and impressions in general (you can find these analytics in the admin sections of each platform).
Property Data API provides content consumers want
Now the content part.
There’s a large volume of information out there about viral marketing and how to create posts that generate the most interest.
But when it comes to real estate, one of the best strategies you can deploy is the use of hyper-local real estate data.
It’s very easy to gather this data.
Just contact a national data aggregator such as Home Junction. We gather thousands of datasets for markets across the US.
That property data includes:
- Recent home sales
- Trends in home prices
- School data
- School attendance zones
- Boundaries
- Neighborhood demographics
- Crime ratings
And much more.
The big advantage of data from Home Junction is that it is not just based on zip codes. But an agent can select hyper-local statistics for the specific neighborhoods and subdivisions they are farming.
This warehouse of micro-level data is powerful content.
Every homeowner is going to want to know the housing statistics for their neighborhood. Every active home buyer will want to track the movement of prices for the areas where they want to live.
And what’s great about this strategy, is that all of this interesting data will reside on the agent’s website, supplied by a simple Property Data API provided by Home Junction. An API is basically a few lines of code, applied to the pages you select.
That type of content is a strong hook to drive web traffic. Once prospects are on our website, it opens up all sorts of opportunities for email signups, contact form submissions and even phone calls.
The same strategy using hyper-local real estate market data can be applied to email campaigns and even regular advertising campaigns.
Social media is a fantastic (and free) tool for brokers and agents. But it takes smarts, a Property Data API to create enticing content and as we know, the right timing, to make it as effective as possible.