Entries by Bob Caston

WordPress Real Estate Themes to Upgrade Sites on a Budget

WordPress real estate themes that are pre-built for brokers and agents can be a tremendous benefit when it comes time to redesign a website, especially if you are on a budget. How Often Should You Change Your Website? Generally, experts recommend that a company seriously consider redesigning a website every three years on average. However, […]

Geocode Data Boosts Real Estate Website Geographic Power

Geocode data can be very useful when positioning a home in terms of the neighborhood value. The word “geocode” basically means adding geographical data, such as coordinates, onto a website so that a person can search for certain geographic features or points of interest.  That data would also include the names of schools, businesses, parks […]

Real Estate Plugins Offer A Quick Way To Upgrade A Website

When a broker needs to update their website quickly and boost their agents’ marketing efforts, Real Estate Plugins from a reputable provider can help them make a quantum leap. Real estate plugins are just what they sound like. Something you can plug into your website. A plugin is basically a few snippets of code. Code […]